Monday, May 21, 2007

bowled a 164 avg today, despite my injury. i know its nowhere near gd and i would even think that i bowled badly if i get that normally. its juz how i managed to overcome my own mental today. how i managed to overcome the pain and still manage to bowl despite the decrease in rev and ball speed. and weirdly, today is like my first 6 games series that i didnt miss a single corner pin spare.

the only disappointment is that i missed hell lot of spares that i have to use my strike ball for. like 1-3-4. sianz. and that my avg is 16 when i bowled a 22 game. =\ i know it could have been better. but i really cant ask for much now.

its ok. im a satisfied person. and i realised whoevers reading(if there's any) would probably not understand my last 2 paras (those non-bowlers). its ok. juz get the idea that im happy. despite all the shit luck im getting. my whole bottle juz has to leak on me this morning. zzzz. now my jacket is wet.

o and diane gave me a yellow brush thingy right before the event. -.- wah lao. in what way does it looks like my hair. but thanks! perhaps it really brushed all my bad luck away. i will bring it for team event too. hahaha. =)

and i felt really really emo right after the doubles event today. its juz seeing everyone emo-ing over their scores, sam and wayne getting worried over the positions. and i cant help at all. and it brings me back to "why the hell did i get injured". IF i wasnt injured.. maybe i could help, to share the burden.. IF i wasnt injured.. IF IF IF. but it has already occured. and i know theres nth i can do. and that it's not really my fault. tho i have to admit i have to bear the responsibility of chiong-ing too much b4 a divs and resulting in an overstrain. haiz.

right now. all i can do is make the best out of this shit situation. have no regrets and support my team mates. COME ON WE CAN DO IT!

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