Tuesday, January 02, 2007

sianz. what a boring day. im honoured to say that i spent the first day of 2007 rotting at home. and i supposed to cut my hair for school but o wells.. i fell aslp.

haiz. i dreamt of you last night again. whenever i dream of u.. i will wake up depressed. but last night was a weird dream. it was like a mixture. i dreamt of kissing someone too. -.- and no! im not gonna reveal who she is. i think i have an infatuation for her. =\ but i barely know her. or maybe its juz that.. im desperate for.. love. when im injured. i desire love again. haiz. i hope i will heal soon.

hmmm.. nth much interesting today. my brain is still shutting out the idea of doing hw. my hands too. wah lao. i wan to do but they refused to budge. haiz. so not my fault eh teachers? :D

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