Tuesday, January 02, 2007

haiz. today is another rotting day at home. im supposed to cut my hair. but the queue was as long as my hair! so i decided not to cut in the end. haiz. shld be mentally prepared to kena tmr. and i didnt touch all of my hw. not even a word. omg. i shld really wear a suit of armor and helmet to school tmr. or i might not reach home in one piece.

and ytd i had a good laugh at knees on msn! haha. oops. it was really funny what. lol. i feel kinda bad. haha. so good luck to u!

and jinhong threatened to say whos my "dream girl" (literally, i dreamt of her what. haha.) today! wah lao. evil. its juz a dream ok. lol. it doesnt mean anything. and im hum. dun dare add her frenster. so shhhhh jh. i treat u to oxygen k? they are damn valuable. without them, everyone will die.

i found out smth today. its almost confirmed. 95%. the remaining 5% will be filled with a word from you. why did u lie to me? i wun look down on you. cos u were juz playing with me? cos u wanna feel superior? i dun understand. but perhaps, im gradually understanding why did it end so easily.

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