Monday, January 22, 2007

its quite scary. how ppl talk behind each other's back. even within gd friends. i wonder what ppl say abt me behind my back. haiz. whats real and whats not. masks.

im been quite bothered by smth recently. maybe one other person would know. i think the person would know who he/she is. right? what's going on with me?

ok. im gonna give 5 clues as to what am i bothered abt. Here it goes:

1) Keep me immersed in the rain. o, are those droplets my evaporated tears? are you in this storm too? connection established?

2) Eventually, the lightning strikes. the immunity i thought i have. you leave me numb and helpess. 091131 volts. revive me?

3) Evasion. what i want, what i seek. it is there. open, for capture. courage ceased. avoiding what it seems to be. deception?

4) Look. what am i to be. i can't reach, reach out for the star. perhaps i was never in the black vicinity. my visibility from the skies?

5) Yielded. o, see the white. the pureness and innocence. how did it invaded my space? war. destruction. to fight or to yield?

Its a specific answer. as in.. its not generally. haha. i hope the answer is not too obvious. =) maybe only 1 person can solve it. ok.. maybe 2. (damn it) lol.

keep your mouth shut if u know the answer. haha.

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