Saturday, December 30, 2006

Hmmm.. juz came back from work. Today function was easy! haha. had a great sense of satisfaction. i think i provide great service! muhahaha. hey you! dun think the wrong way k. im underage. lol.

Anyways today i got cut at work! by shattered pieces of a bowl. -.- like whats it doing a basket of perfect, in-one-piece bowls? must be hired by someone to assassinate me. i know my blood very nutritious . o well mr break-urself-juz-to-assassinate-me-bowl u got ur wish. i dripped blood over like 30 bowls. the stewards gonna murder me if the bowl didnt do its job. And this kind colleague of mine put a plaster for me. i dunno whats her name but thx!

Ok. Smth happened today sparked my thinkings. And my memories. Hmmm.. i think that guys shld give in to girls to a relationship. ok, i always thought so but im juz more sure today. backed up with reasons. and u may think that it make the guys appear useless, like pa lao po. alright, everyone has their own set of thinkings. im not trying to change urs. juz quietly blogging what i think.

No offence to girls but girls tend to be more emotional eh? sometimes due to *cough* time of the month *cough*. they tend to be a little more sensitive generally. thats why, during a disagreement, the guys shld give in first. like say sorry, even if u think u did nth wrong. she might not accept ur apology but juz wait for her to cool down. after everything is over, explain to her that shes at fault. or juz say whatever u think. i dunno but thats what i think. i have always been giving in.. but still.. haiz. maybe its not very useful afterall. the other party might take it for granted. so girls. pls dun.

Hmmm. I think i started crapping again. A blog is a net diary isnt it? So im free to say what i think! lalalala. im gonna miss work. awwww. the chio bus at work! oops. nvm. i heard next yr girls are taking up 70%. muhahaha. eye candies. ^^
okok. juz kidding. but which guy dun look at girls? like drag 1 out to me. and no. gays are not counted ok. alright, juz put it as which person dun look at their interested sex? then no one can counter me. woot. maybe someone can but.. aiya. juz shut up and let me believe myself. lol.

i realise i bullshit alot. nvm. im full of shit. =) haha. maybe thats all for today.

if it bothered u that much, and make u start losing feelings, why didnt u even speak during that period of time? u could have savaged everything. they are really minor problems. alright, maybe u cant accept them but u could have at least told me abt it. we could work things out. and when it all started, u said to "voice out ur thinkings when u are unhappy". and in the end, u are not doing it. and from what i see, there are misunderstandings. and exagerration. i dunno. it hurts so much. was it that weak?

"黑夜. 那人始终在等待着. 爱是邂逅直到分离?就算她不和晨曦一起来临…"

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